modified 2 years ago


Here are four relatively simple circuits with examples of resistors in series and parallel connections and an Ohmmeter measuring the total resistances through the circuits. Try to guess (or calculate) the total resistance of each circuit, then press the switch so that the Ohmmeter is working and see, if you were correct. Just remember the following equations for calculating resistors respectively in series and parallel: Total resistance of resistors in series: Rs = R1 + R2 + R3 + etc. Total resistance of resistors in parallel: Rp = 1 / (1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + etc.) Have fun! 🙂 NB: These circuits were inspired by Simply Electronics' series Basic Electronics part 13. (Or Electronics Basics). Check also my other circuits about basic electronics and if you like them, please give them a thumbs up! 😉👍
published 2 years ago

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