modified 8 years ago

One bit electromechanic memory

Based on only a relay, this electromechanic memory cell may represent one data bit. The data record in the cell is performed through the 'set' button (1) or reset (0). To reflect: imagine the size and device power consumption that used this type of memory. Believe me, with too few modifications, this was the basis the giant ancestors of your PC. Note that the memory status is maintained by the configuration of the relay in the circuit. When set, the contact 'normally open' relay closes and, therefore, shall perform the function of the button 'set', that is, keeps the coil energized and therefore guarantees that the state will remain so (1) until the button "reset" is pressed, de-energizing the coil and causing the memory to another state (0). Simple and functional. Have fun trying to build a 4-bit memory!
published 8 years ago
8 years ago
There are fields, where relays which keep a state without energy are used to rember very important info, in a powerdown event.
8 years ago
8 years ago
Actually you don't need a relay. The first computers were experimented to be with nothing but solenoid coils. Due to the nature of the iron core when magnetised in one direction, there will be a remnant polarisation even after the supply has been shut down. This is what causes hysteresis in iron cores. So the core will remember the last state it was impregnated with thus containing a 1 bit memory of the impulse which polarised it. After that it's just a simple matter of reading the polarisation of the core to determine the state of it. This also has one more advantage. It can work with dual polarity code 1, 0, -1, because it can be magnetised in one direction, then demagnetised to zero and remagnetised again in the different direction.
8 years ago

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