modified 6 years ago


Need it explication?... Don't touch the square wave line. So it is like a 10 bits shift register. The forty LEDS perform a X-Y matrix. Where X is Time and Y is Voltage. There are only four levels to compare 'cause there isn't any space left. Of course, more LEDS more resolution. If you think to built one, put all LEDS in a perfect square matrix and very closed... You can only change the square oscilator on bottom to select sinusoid or square waves. One thing!!, the lower signal value must not be 0. It must be, at least, 1 mV. Think about it. The four operationals and the three EX-OR perform the logical circuit that convert analogue signal to digital code who controlling the matrix. Colors showed: Green, signal showed by leds and more lowest level thresholds Red, show the lowest threshold. Orange, show the middle threshold. Blue, show the highest threshold. To see the scheme first take a paper and pen. ;-D Now you only have to draw all components separately. Then press on a node from the circuit. You can see how all connected nodes lighting and the square dots are now yellow circle dots. Do the same to complete the circuit. Hope you enjoy.
published 11 years ago
11 years ago
...maybe someone create PONG!, game for this program.... ohhh pong!! Always want to have one but i have no money ;(
11 years ago
How the heck do I see the built circuit what do I press
11 years ago
10 years ago
Please could you explain how to get those square nodes that act like bus connections,I have contacted the authors but got no reply
10 years ago
Seek this circuit "How to get SQUARE NODES"
5 years ago

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