modified 9 years ago

EC on PC, Mac, Linux

www.everycircuit.com/app/ EveryCircuit runs as a web App in Chrome browser on PC, Mac, and Linux. Follow the link, sign in with your EC account. You will find that the new layout designed for large screens makes it even easier to use the App. Circuit explorer, schematic editor, description, and community comments appear side by side for quick access. EveryCircuit community has grown to a critical mass where questions get answered in 10-15 minutes in most cases. Many thanks to community leaders @Voltransistor, @hurz, @faceblast, @Secuture, @Sine_eyed, @thebugger, @ETJAKEOC, @rbrtkurtz and others! Some of you have been asking what can you do to support us beyond buying the app. Please mention the new website on your favorite blogs, share it on social networks, and invite your friends to join the community. Keep building!
published 10 years ago
10 years ago
It seems i was waiting for this APP almost 40 years. Gracias for that! Already order for 1 year €7,53.
10 years ago
May i know please how zener diode works on ac input voltage?
10 years ago
In one direction like a zener and its given voltage you can set and reverse as normal silicium diode
10 years ago
Wooo! I made the list! I read that email and saw my name and was like "Yes, win" hha
10 years ago
Thankyou for mentioning! :-)
10 years ago
It's me who should thank you, really.
10 years ago
To be honest, I fel unconfortable with the title "community leaders", actually i dont like it
10 years ago
I hear ya @Hurz. Neither do I. I'm mostly just the community a-hole. It's like being the village idiot, only I'm a dick about it. :) I appreciate the gesture though, @Igor.
10 years ago
I'm the community banana skin head :p
10 years ago
lol community O.O Awww man..... I was left out -_-
10 years ago
Нихера там нет :-)
10 years ago
I showed EveryCircuit to a guy on the bus who was reading a boring paper on boost converters
10 years ago
Oh c'mon guys, no need to be so effing modest! Whatever reasons @Igor had for mentioning the users he did, I see a commonality: comment frequency. Is not hard to pick out those who post circuits or comment on others' more often, helpful or not. No one said you have to be the mayor now lol- and there's no additional responsibility implied, so just accept it for what it is jeez....
10 years ago
Yes, this is indeed a way to distribute EC, @igor you should know. Pay ones and give away millions (for the APK). But does this work in this/our capitalistic society? @thebugger you have to pay a fair price for the effort Igor had. If you think its to expensive you have the choice to NOT buy it. And our society has laws if you like them or not. @thebugger and i am affraid to tell you are in a grey area of our society/community. But I have the hope you just telling Igor to see the hole. In a far away country called "Utopia" we would pay as much as we like to pay and can effort, but we still have to be honest and fair!!
10 years ago
Fight! Fight! Fight!
10 years ago
Utopia my ass :D Bulgaria rullz. Your society may have laws against piracy but ours doesn't. But hey schmucks everywhere :D
10 years ago
I swear, every comment thread on here just turns to shit lately. :/
10 years ago
There will always be piracy. And I am not too stressed about that. It plays its role in making the App more popular. And if you ban a pirate he wouldn't pay anyway.
10 years ago
Sorry igor im just not very fond of the idea to pay for something virtual. But I gotta give it to you. Your app is the best and most user friendly of all simulation apps.
10 years ago
Thanks @thebugger. Here's what I think. "virtual" software is just as useful as "tangible" hardware. Both require same amount of skill and effort to make. It's an individual's choice whether to treat them differently.
10 years ago
What a sorry argument. You don't steal a physical object just because you want it, but you think it's too expensive. Software is no different. People still put effort into both. You can try to church it up and justify it to yourself however you want, but theft is theft, plain and simple.
10 years ago
I dont think its expensive. I just dont have a credit card and I really like the app. And theft is theft depending on the country in which you live.
10 years ago
Like I said, justify our to yourself however you want.
10 years ago
get a debit card or charge card then
10 years ago
"tangible" hardware COULD NOT function withou "virtual" software. A theft is a theft, unless you "virtually" burn your conscience
10 years ago
Let me take the opportunity and reachout my hand, as @thebugger said, this depends on the country you live in. However, anybody should pay what he can effort for an APP. EC is an awesome place for education and i hope it will be for a long time. And also i have the hope one day Igor can live from payment of his APP. Lets concentrate on electronic!
9 years ago
I want EC to simulate SCR or so called Thyristor. Somwone please help.....
9 years ago
I want my Secuture back D: I miss him, where'd his crazy banana ass go?
9 years ago
It needs way more "solutions". It's sucks without the solutions.
9 years ago
Ok lets say we're building a new circuit here- one of the components needs all of it's values adjusted, and we need a lot of them! We know there's a way to make a copy of the component we just changed all around, but we don't remember how. Hmm, maybe we should ask someone...
9 years ago
drag the changed component over the new one and it will "clone" the new one to the be the same as the one you want to be cloned
9 years ago
Yep, that works! Good looking out man, thanks!..
9 years ago
(Late comment but) Thanks hamilton, that's a really awesome tip. Can't believe I never realised.

EveryCircuit is an easy to use, highly interactive circuit simulator and schematic capture tool. Real-time circuit simulation, interactivity, and dynamic visualization make it a must have application for professionals and academia. EveryCircuit user community has collaboratively created the largest searchable library of circuit designs. EveryCircuit app runs online in popular browsers and on mobile phones and tablets, enabling you to capture design ideas and learn electronics on the go.

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