modified 9 years ago

7 segment display tutorial

Dear Friends, This tutorial is divided into 3 parts: 1.) 7 segment display. 2.) 7 segment display decoder. 3.) Counter. 7 segment displays are very versatile.These can be found in many places like in Lift Elevators,Washing machine display,Boards etc. Its very simple to understand how it works. See it consists of a centre display board with 7 pins on the left and 1 pin at the right. Each pin will make 1 led which is installed inside the display package to glow. 7 left pins for 7 led. 1 right side pin for 1 led for the dot. When current paas through one of these pins the that will make its respective led to glow which will illuminate its respective display segment. Left :1st pin for top segment display, 2nd pin for right side-1st piece segment display 3rd pin for right- 2nd piece segment display in the clock wise direction and so on till the 6th pin (Refer circuit ). The 7th pin will make the centre segment piece to illumate. When all the pin are connected with the source the whole display will illuminate like shape 8 and right side pin will illuminate the dot (refer circuit-bottom left).. To be continued.... Regards, Happy learning.
published 9 years ago

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