modified 3 years ago

uA723 LM723 Voltage Regulator

The ua723/lm723 Voltage regulator IC inner circuit using discreet elements. As u can see the output is astonishingly stable at 63W with a ripple of less than 10mV and this goes up to 90W with external pass transistor. As for the ic itself it provides 150mA at 1-37V and there are dozens of circuits involving this particular ic and they include adjustable current limiting capabilities floating regulator switching regulator and many others. Using this chip only and a few external parts one might make a professional power supply unit for under 10$. The ic also provides short circuit protection and many other cool features like overload protection etc if the correct outer circuit is used. I find this little chip very handy because it does not require any particular skills to use end exploit. the only downside is that if any external transistor should fail just dont bother looking for the problem and go buy a new ua723 and a new transistor. Another downside is that it has a gazilion pins and they can be easily mistaken and again the ic fails. So my advice if you are going to use this ic get a few of them (i blew 2 already)be careful with the pin numbers or just use the simpler still quite good for low power applications LM317 :)
published 11 years ago
11 years ago
Cool. Lol. Isn't that to much for a voltage regulator?
11 years ago
Isnt what too much? This whole circuit is packed in a 14 pin package with a size of a larger nail. Only a few of the given parts are external to the chip. This is one of the most reliable voltage regulators given its age (i think its from the 70s').
11 years ago
Well...Sorry...I meant, what's up with all of the transistors for just one voltage regulator? Voltage regulators aren't that complicated. All it is, is an output lowers the voltage so, the higher the voltage, the more reduced to create an regulated voltage.
11 years ago
I repeat...again All of this is packed in a single chip called ua723 which is not much larger than a nail. The circuit is this complicated because it offers features like current limiting short circuit protection etc. In other words its not just a voltage regulator but a lot of othee stuff too
11 years ago
And it does not just lower the voltage. If u want to lower the voltage you might juat use a rectifier, filter,voltage divider and an external pass transistor. Here it stabilizes (regulates) it so that even at 2 or 3A you still get Very well filtered DC. Remember the initial ripples you see here are a mere fraction of a second and after that you get a well regulated DC (10mv ripple in this case at even 100W) which for a regulator is quite impressive therefore its complexity
9 years ago
Can you construct it using opamps

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